These are crazy times in the Moda Rojo headquarters as I am prepping to take my final exams to end this semester of craziness. As the year comes to an end and I take a look back at this semester, I realize that I was not able to blog daily or even weekly on a frequent basis due to my busy schedule and classes. Next semester I will finally be in a design class and art history, so I will be in classes that will actually be of use to me! No more chemistry guys! Although I do have to take it in summer school as a result, but we won't think that far into the future.
Over winter break, expect a revamping of Moda a la Rojo, but seriously this time! Although I will be working and visiting with friends, this blog will not go unnoticed over the break, but will rather undergo drastic changes. Also next semester I will be interning with College Fashionista and have been chosen as a Fashion Guru for next semester, so there will be many links to that site next semester. Be sure to check them out.
I also made a dress out of leaves for an English final, so photos of that will be up soon! I felt like I pulled a project runway, rushing to make the dress with sparse materials that I bought at the art store. Not to mention I did not have my mannequin or my sewing machine. Make do and mend as I like to say.
As I study, I've been listening to non-stop music on Spotify. Here are a few artists from my playlists that you should check out....
-Frou Frou
-Julieta Venegas
-The Shins
-Tokyo Police Club
-Yann Tierson
-Bon Iver
-Lykke Li
-Ellie Goulding
Until next time, as in next week once I am finished with my three finals!!!!!!!!