Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the 2011, and in with the 2012

photo from
As I get ready to celebrate the New Year, I noticed that the censor was still on my jacket that I had planned on wearing tonight...there goes my outfit that I have been saving to wear. On to planning a new outfit, gotta make it a good one for the last saturday of 2011. But anyhow...My sister just finished a photo shoot which I hope ended up nicely, the photos will be up soon!

I wanted to wish you all a very happy new year! Health and happiness to all! Keep reading Moda Rojo because 2012 is going to be a very big year for the blog---actually. Just wait, just wait. 

While my sister abandons me and goes to NYC for the rest of winter break, I will be blogging like a mad woman. 2012 should be a good one.

Feliz ano nuevo a todos!!!!!!
*My tumblr is currently tumbling.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Because I've extended my hiatus a little longer....
Tumblr will have to fill the empty void for now....
Do not fret--my blog will be back and functioning within the week.
I am working on some skirts and dresses, and collages, and finally will begin to revamp this little blog of mine. 

and now to make this post worth you're reading, I leave you with the some songs. P.s--Top 10 collections, songs, and trends of 2011 will be out soon!!! [these lists will all be according to my likes of the year and may not necessarily be from 2011, in particular I am referring to the songs]

Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, and well, happy holidays to all!


Thursday, December 8, 2011


it's awesome,
I'm a new writer and I wrote 2 pieces in there.
What better incentive is there?

p.s I did the interview with Ricardo Hernandez of The Style Inquisitor and the Blogger piece.

p.p.s. On the holiday wish list, I'm number 8. *hint hint ALEXANDER WANG*


Follow me on twitter during these stressful times of studying... @modarojo
Screen Shot of the Spark Holiday Issue

Monday, December 5, 2011


Ronit Joselevitz (b. 1993)

Leaves on paper. Tempra on canvas.

Inspired by Tomas Tranströmer’s poem, “The Clearing”, the dress focuses on the idea of forgotten stories, histories, and memories. The dress is made using completely dried leaves and tempra paint representing green shrubberies. The bottom of the dress starts at a dark shade of green and slowly begins to fade into nothing and eventually reaches the brown leaves, suggesting the idea of “Writ[ing] down and forget[ing],” as Tranströmer says in his poem—the green representing oral traditions and stories that once seemed alive and always exchanged, and the brown illustrating the written and forgotten histories and stories that have been stored. While a green leaf on a tree is alive and colorful, once it falls off a tree, its color begins to fade and it begins to decompose and disintegrate into the earth, where it is forever forgotten. People step on dead leaves as they pass through streets, neglecting that they were once beautiful. Leaves were used to show this because of Tranströmer’s repeated use of tree imagery in his poems.

Original design by Ronit Joselevitz. Made without a sewing machine too..



These are crazy times in the Moda Rojo headquarters as I am prepping to take my final exams to end this semester of craziness. As the year comes to an end and I take a look back at this semester, I realize that I was not able to blog daily or even weekly on a frequent basis due to my busy schedule and classes. Next semester I will finally be in a design class and art history, so I will be in classes that will actually be of use to me! No more chemistry guys! Although I do have to take it in summer school as a result, but we won't think that far into the future. 

Over winter break, expect a revamping of Moda a la Rojo, but seriously this time! Although I will be working and visiting with friends, this blog will not go unnoticed over the break, but will rather undergo drastic changes. Also next semester I will be interning with College Fashionista and have been chosen as a Fashion Guru for next semester, so there will be many links to that site next semester. Be sure to check them out. 

I also made a dress out of leaves for an English final, so photos of that will be up soon! I felt like I pulled a project runway, rushing to make the dress with sparse materials that I bought at the art store. Not to mention I did not have my mannequin or my sewing machine. Make do and mend as I like to say. 

As I study, I've been listening to non-stop music on Spotify. Here are a few artists from my playlists that you should check out....

-Frou Frou
-Julieta Venegas
-The Shins
-Tokyo Police Club
-Yann Tierson
-Bon Iver
-Lykke Li
-Ellie Goulding

Until next time, as in next week once I am finished with my three finals!!!!!!!! 
